Interim RCRA Action – Debris Removal
LOCATION: Saline, Michigan
CLIENT: Confidential
CTI was selected by a large automotive client to manage the Interim Removal Action required on the 9.3-acre site by a RCRA closure under the authority of the U.S. EPA and Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. The previous owner of the former automotive die casting facility partially demolished the building and associated site infrastructure in the 2000’s. CTI performed an environmental assessment of the remaining surficial debris in-place and in stockpiles and identified several areas of low-level PCB impacted and hazardous chromium contaminated concrete. CTI’s environmental division estimated debris quantities, and prepared and distributed a Request for Proposal (RFP) package to select qualified contractors to perform the recommended debris removal actions.
CTI’s construction division was selected to perform the Removal Action scope by a competitive bid process. Site conditions prior to mobilization consisted of scattered surficial stockpiles of debris, in-place concrete foundations and slabs, and moderate vegetation. Initial site investigations and as-needed testing revealed a number of changed conditions: lower than anticipated quantity of recyclable debris, and an increase in PCB impacted debris. The client recognized the changed conditions and allowed modification of the contract.
Site work included installation of erosion control measures, clearing site vegetation, pumping and disposal of over 22,000 gallons of on-site water, excavation and removal of over 9,000 tons of in-place concrete foundations, slabs, and pits, and removal of approximately 8,000 tons of previously stockpiled concrete and asphalt debris, including over 3,000 tons of impacted or hazardous waste. Non-hazardous concrete and asphalt debris stockpiles were segregated on site based on the presence of staining or discoloration, and soil and building debris content. Debris was loaded into haul trucks and transported to a crushing facility for recycling or a landfill for disposal. After removal of concrete and asphalt debris, the site was graded to provide positive drainage.
- RCRA Correction Action Cleanup Site
- Partially Demolished Auto Die Cast Facility on 9.3-Acre Site
- Surficial and Buried Building Demolition Debris Removal via Haul Trucks
- Recyclable and C&DD Concrete and Asphalt Debris
- PCB Impacted and Hazardous Debris
- Rough Graded Site After Debris Removal
Safety challenges faced on the project included close proximity to neighboring houses, an existing underground sanitary sewer system spanning the project site, excavation depths exceeding 10’ deep and soil consistencies ranging from hard to heavily saturated and unstable, disposal of PCB impacted and hexavalent chromium contaminated concrete and unknown underground conditions.